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2006-04-21 - 10:35 p.m.

Overreacting to Protest
Wenyi Wang doesn't belong in jail. Saturday, April 22, 2006; Page A20

WENYI WANG acted rudely when she yelled and waved a banner at visiting Chinese President Hu Jintao during his White House appearance Thursday. The Secret Service was right to hustle her off the grounds. President Bush was right to apologize. But does Ms. Wang deserve to go to prison for six months? That might be the response to embarrassing and rude speech in Beijing. It shouldn't be in Washington. But yesterday the U.S. government charged Ms. Wang under a law that could bring her that sentence.

Okay, noooooo. This is the friggin' Washington Post!?
NO, she wasn't "rude".
NO, the Secret Serverice weren't "right" to silence her frikkin' RIGHT in this nation -the last I checked, thank you - to free speech.
NO, Bush wasn't "right" to give a public apology; In private, maybe, as a matter of formality between him and Hu. Hu should be aware coming into this country that ours is a government which allows freedom of speech, including and not limited to disention of said or any government. Hu doesn't like it?: He can stay the frik out. Likewise, for any other dictating nutsack. ...Thanks, and have a great day! :-)

Written this 1,086th day since the declaration of "Mission Accomplished" in Iraq.

...Yeah, it's really been that long.

Didn't you know? The war's over. It's been over. There's no troops overseas, no gunfire, no bombs, no IEDs. Nope, nothing at all. Just peace and quiet, yo.

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